We are growing and learning in more than one way around our house!
My belly is growing - thankfully, I'm not huge! I do feel that I'm gaining a little more weight than I was with Dylan. I feel wider but people keep saying girls are harder on you than boys...this little chica better get it out of her system and be an angel once she gets here. Ha! I'm learning to manage starting to get more tired with the demands of Dylan wanting to go, go, go! Since we live on the side of a mountain (literally) and of course we are at the top of our neighborhood - he loves to run down to the bottom and of course doesn't want to walk back up. I'm past the carrying him back to the top stage so I've started taking more trips to the football stadium. The parking lot is fairly flat (for Morgantown) and very low traffic. Between his football, grass, rocks, and random people walking around he easily entertains himself for over an hour. It's a little slice of heaven!
Dylan is growing and growing (he should as much as he likes to eat!) and learning so many new things. The teacher in me looooves it! The mama in me is proud. The pregnant lady in me wishes we could sleep more! All joking aside - his learning is exciting and fun. He can say his abc's all by himself (for some reason 'j', 'm', and 'n' give him some troubles but he can ID them). He is obsessed with and can say his numbers 1-20 although when he says 11 it sounds like aye bay bay if you don't realize what he's trying to say.....it cracks me up every time and sometimes when I need a laugh I ask him to say 11 so just I can hear him say, "aye bay bay". I'm wrong - I know. He knows his colors and shapes and will attempt any word you throw at him - more and more of them are becoming accurate and clear.
I've been in a huge baking mood so he's been the recipient of some new and fairly yummy recipes that are wheat free (have to love the wheat allergy). I'm learning that subbing out oat flour for regular flour usually does the trick. The texture is slightly different but things taste the same. My latest experiment, which I feel all of his food is for me since I never know how it will turn out, was pineapple muffins. They were tasty and he gobbled up 3 the first day I made them. I cut him off after 2 but as I was emptying the dishwasher he ran into the kitchen, grabbed one of the counter, and ran off squealing with excitement! I was laughing so hard and happy to have found a recipe that he clearly enjoys!
I'm so excited to be going home for 9 days at the end of this week! My sister's wedding was the perfect excuse to get home and spend extra time. I'm sure I'll get put to work with last minute wedding details but I'm just happy to get so much time at home. I know once baby girl is here traveling all over like I'm accustomed to will be much more difficult! After my 9 days in KS, Dylan and I will head to TX for a week to see Daron's niece graduate from high school. I'll enjoy Dylan being entertained while I work on all things 4th and 1. Can't believe our 3rd year of camp will begin in 2 months!
I'm officially done with my first year of college teaching! I still have a stack of papers that need to be graded but I'm hoping I can get most of them done while in KS and TX! It was a great year or teaching with a lot of learning. I'm pretty sure that despite needing some maternity leave at the start of next school year - I'll have a job in some capacity next school year. I'm hoping it's teaching all the same stuff as I've already got some new ways to improve the assignments required of my students. Think they will make life easier for all involved!
Daron is on the recruiting trail but we were blessed to have him home last week - for the entire week! It was nice having him home, helping with things, hanging out with us, and helping with Mr. Dylan. It was a much needed break that I greatly appreciated. Dylan loved all the dada-time too! Looking forward to June and July where we will get a lot more time with him before the craziness of another season begins.