Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Season Has Begun

Football season, teaching season, the craziness's all here and I've slacked on my blogging duties.

  1. Teaching Season - I am happy to report that I accepted an adjunct teaching position at WVU that started when classes began in August. I'm teaching several different sections in the Education Dept (which is only a 2.5 day commitment) and it's going really well. A few things I've learned: big people are easier to teach than little people, in that they are more responsible for themselves/their work.  I have days where I miss my little people but after watching a 2nd grader run around his classroom last week and when I asked him, "what do you need to be doing?", he shrugged his shoulders, said, "I dunno" and kept running I was thankful for my college students. Regardless of where football takes us I think I will always have to have a job that allows me to work with little people in some capacity at least once a week.
  2. Football Season - Training camp is over and the games have begun. WVU is 2-0 (thank goodness!) and the tough games start tomorrow (@ Maryland and then LSU here next week). Daron is as busy as usual and I'm adjusting to his additional responsibilities and recruiting requirements. I have my moments where I wonder what in the world we are doing but it's been a great experience and he is happy in his new position. Hoping for continued wins and a bowl game come January!
  3. Dylan Season - it's always Dylan season and he may even fall into the craziness season, haha. I couldn't make a life-update post and not talk about our favorite little man. He turned the big 1 a few weeks has gone so fast but I'm loving this age - I can admit it, the newborn days were not my favorite! A few pics of his birthday fun:
 Birthday Lunch!
 Blowing out his candle with Daddy
 This is good stuff
 He is actually really good about sharing - let's hope this doesn't change!
My belly is full but I love making messes.

Aside from his amazing ability to eat and eat and eat and eat he is growing like a weed and learning new things every day. He loves to read books and has become a great page-turner. He can now climb up and taught himself how to slide down the stairs on his belly. He is walking (sort-of) he will take 5-6 steps at a time and looks a bit like Frankenstein, but we're getting there. He loves to be outside: pulling grass out of the yard, examining wood-chips, swinging at the park, rolling in the dirt, or playing with rocks. His favorite word is still "hi" and "dada" and I don't think "mama" is anywhere near being spoken.

He loves his stuffed animal gorillas and now that I let him sleep with one he goes right to bed without a fight (THANK YOU JESUS - I NEVER THOUGHT I'D SEE THE DAY). He loves his bongo from his Auntie and bops along to the beat. He now signs for all done, more, please, and thank you. While my Spanish speaking abilities are very weak he has somehow managed to understand what I mean when we say: hola, adios, besos, no mas, gracias, and por favor. He really is such a little sponge (I guess that's why he has such a big head - and yes, it's big...they measured it 2x at his last check-up because they thought they measure wrong the first time, poor guy). While he doesn't talk in a language we can decipher he babbles away and understands most things we tell him. It's pretty amazing watching him grow and change.

 A nice day playing in the grass on campus
 Dissecting a leaf
 My little man
 After a football scrimmage with his daddy
 Playing at the park
 Not afraid of the dirt
 Love this one
 Listening to somebody's conversation (nosey - he gets that from me)
 Loving the swing
 My little nature boy
Baseball field: I have a feeling we could take this outfield picture again in 8 years during little league

1 comment:

  1. Hilary, I just love your family. I am so proud of you and so in love with what you are doing. I too am teaching a class of college students. First year students at LMU. I guest presented in a class of first year students yesterday and we had such a blast. They told me as I was leaving that they loved my presentation. YAY!!!

    I miss you lots. But I am glad you are doing lots.
