Wednesday, February 8, 2012

January - Where Did You Go?!

It's already 8 days into February - where did the end of December and all of January go?! It flew by...luckily I have pictures to remind myself of all that happened!

  • Christmas - loved getting to go home. Spent 6 days back in Leavenworth with the family and Daron actually had about 4 days off and was able to join us! It was nice to have everybody together although I can't lie, that many people in the house made it a bit crazy. We survived! 
  • We left for the Orange Bowl in Miami 2 days after we got back from Leavenworth. We did a very fast unpack and repack but it was well worth it!! Miami was sunny, warm, and even when it was "cold" it was warm. Our first full day in Miami we were lucky enough to take a trip to the ER (ha!). Dylan snagged a bite of a granola bar that had ground up walnuts that we didn't know about. Luckily, he didn't eat the entire thing. About 30 minutes after his lone bite he began to wheeze and have serious trouble breathing. The hospital was only a few miles away and after some breathing treatments and steroids he was feeling much better! We enjoyed the beach, the pool, a little shopping, and sunshine! My sister and dad came down so I could attend some of the "planned functions" with Daron which was a nice break! Daron's dad and nephew also came down a few days before the game. After several days of playing we finally got to the big game and ended up winning big - 70-33! It was a fun experience and I know Daron was so excited to be a part of it all. 
  • School started 5 days after we got back from FL so I started gearing up as soon as we got back. Some days I still don't feel like I'm all the way reorganized from our Dec/Jan travels but I'm just hoping at some point I'll get there. 
  • Daron was gone for most of January recruiting and I was so ready for signing day to arrive - no more long term road trips until April or May for him, hooray! He has had this week off so we decided to venture over to DC last weekend and use a free hotel night (my favorite!) and enjoy a little time away. We saw the new MLK Memorial which was nice and since Daron has a friend who currently works in the White House we got a tour of it on Sunday. It was one of the things on my 30 for 30 list and was actually one of the ones I figured would never get done, especially not before 30! A big thank you to Taj and Daron for making that one happen! So excited I got to do it and cross it off my list! Daron also took us to a famous DC landmark: Ben's Chili was good and a fun experience.
  • And probably our biggest news - baby #2 is arriving this summer! His/her due date is July 28 and we will probably find out boy/girl in 3 or so more weeks! 
A few pictures from our time away:

1 comment:

  1. love reading your blog to see what's going on in your world! dylan is so stinkin' adorable :) miss you friend!
